Nov 17: NCRC Monthly Meeting

Guest Speakers for the November Meeting:

Nathan Volke, Esq.

Member, County Council, Anne Arundel County, representing Councilmanic District 3 since December 3, 2018.

Member, Board of Health, Anne Arundel County, 2018-.

Board of Library Trustees,  Department of Libraries,   Anne Arundel County,   2015-18.

Just elected to the AACO Central Committee

Law clerk to Judge Paul F. Harris, Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, 2011-12. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 2011. Attorney. Associate, Law Office of Alan S. Forman, 2012-14. Attorney, Law Office of Marla Zide, LLC, 2014-16. Senior Associate, Law Offices of Laura E. Burrows, LLC, 2016-. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Anne Arundel County Bar Association. Chair, Anne Arundel County Republican Central Committee, 2013-16 (member, 2010-18). Past member, Board of Directors, North County Republican Club.

Talking Points:

  • Election Results
  • Lessons Learned
  • What worked and what did not
  • New Central Committee initiatives

Bob Bauman

Founder, President/CEO of Trusted Systems, manufacturer of physical security solutions for classified networks including EMP hardened enclosures since 1988.

Member of INFRAGARD National Disaster Recovery Council, a FBI/public partnership promoting EMP hardening of the electric power grid including alternate microgrid resiliency

Participant on the Congressional EMP Task Force on National/Homeland Security

Member of Secure the Grid Coalition

Past board member of the NCRC

Talking Points:

What you need to know about 5 threatening Countries’ abilities to destroy the USA with one EMP.

  • Incompetent leadership has emboldened our adversaries: China, Russia, North Korea, Iran,  with weapons and the means to target and deliver them Ukraine War has pushed the world closer to a nuclear confrontation
  • Likely preempted by a high altitude EMP (HEMP) attack that destroys all electronics and communications in its path. What is an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and how does it threaten us?
  • What has/hasn’t been done to protect ourselves, what we coulda, woulda, shoulda done.
  • What must we do from here on out to defend the nation (Hint: It has nothing to do with clean energy)

It’s time for NCRC Membership Renewal and new applications

For present membership, your renewal is due by January 1, 2023.  For the others, you can become a member now and the rest of the year would be free.

This is going out to a very wide distribution, those who were previous members, precinct leaders, people who attended recent meetings, and current members.  I’d ask that everyone interested fill out a new membership form, attached. Please notice, specifically the standing committees currently listed on the application page and send that in along with your membership dues of $20 for a single membership and $35 for a family membership.

I believe the strength of a club is not only the number of members, but also the strength of its committees which is where the good work is done that moves the club to be the best.

Our club has many and varied speakers during the year, a charity auction in December, and a great picnic in the summer, but our best achievement is cultivating and supporting a great list of candidates to make Anne Arundel County the best in the State.  

We need your support to not only keep this going, but also to expand it, so please consider joining the North County Republican Club and working on one or two of our committees.

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